Monday, September 17, 2018

Problems Serve a Purpose

When was the last time you didn't have one single problem?  Was it... never?

Problems are a part of life.  In fact, we're supposed to have problems.  Yep, you read that right.  Big problems, little problems -- they're there for a reason.  Just like a car needs an engine, we need problems because they help us get from "here" to "there."  Problems help us grow.

Of course, the stubborn part of us that hates change doesn't want to move from here to there.  It likes here.  (And who can blame it because, let's be honest, change is scary!)  But the deepest, wisest part of us knows that staying "here" means stagnation.  And stagnation equals a kind of death.

Problems, when utilized as a tool, promote growth.  Can growth be painful?  Sometimes.  But growth is also profoundly beneficial because it creates expansion.  Whether it's physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, growth is progress.  It's development, new awareness, and new life.  And it all starts with a problem.

So look your problem right in the eye and figure out what it's trying to tell you.  Your problem is your ally.  Let it show you the way to growth.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Happiness Doesn't Just Happen

It's tempting to think that once we get our hands on that one thing we're missing -- a relationship, promotion, smaller pants size, more money, etc. -- we'll finally be happy.  And then we can just coast, happily ever after (you know, like in the movies).

In reality, however, happiness simply doesn't work like that.  As soon as the excitement of these external events wears off (and it does, oh so quickly), we return to normal... and immediately start searching for our next fix of happiness.

Feel like you're on a yo-yo?  Well... you kind of are.  But you don't have to be.

If you want consistent happiness, you have to choose to cultivate gratitude every day.  On some days, this will be easy; on other days, it will be very challenging.  But the more you practice, the better you will become.

Gratitude is your key to happiness.  Begin by truly appreciating all that you have right now.  Happiness is in this very moment -- just look for it, and it's yours.