Ever notice how similar scenarios seem to occur over and over again in your life? Do you find yourself continually battling the same...
- ...types of obstacles?
- ...self-destructive habits?
- ...unhealthy relationships?
- ...fears and/or negative thoughts?
Where do these (and other) situational patterns stem from?
Trauma, regardless of its severity, demands that you find a way to cope... immediately. This is an innate response, a survival mechanism. But coping is not the same as healing. The longer you put off dealing with the trauma, the easier it is to become the victim of conditioned responses, thereby welcoming conditioned outcomes.
The wounds that you harbor must be dealt with directly. Until then, your subconscious mind will continue to attract situations into your life that feel familiar to the original trauma.
Can you think of any conditioned responses that you'd like to undo? When your heart and mind are ready, the patterns will undoubtedly disclose themselves. Once identified, treat them as allies -- these are life-changing opportunities that enable you to heal and grow. See the pattern, break the cycle.